About me
Current activities
Current position
Researcher (Directrice de Recherche), Unité MIA-T (Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Toulouse), INRAe of Toulouse. Habilitée à Diriger des Recherches (since 2014).
Research interests
Biostatistics (expression data, metabolome, Hi-C, metagenomic data [...] analysis and integration)
Graph/network analysis: data mining and inference
Machine learning
Functional data analysis
Other activities
Member of the Biostatistics platform - Toulouse
Member of the Bioinformatics platform - Toulouse
Member of the CID 51 (CNRS jury in charge of researchers' recruitment and evaluation)
Board member of the CRAN Task View initiative
Associate editor of Journal of Statistical Software
Member of the Société Française de Statistique (French Statistical Association) and of the Société Française de Bioinformatique
HDR in Mathematics
2014-13-11 Université Toulouse 1 (Capitole) , ED MITT . [manuscript]
PhD in Mathematics
2002/2005 Université Toulouse 2 (Le Mirail) , with Honors (Très Honorable). [manuscript]
What is a PhD?
Master Degree
Applied Mathematics , 2002 , Université Toulouse 3 (Paul Sabatier) , with Honors (B)
Mathematics , 1999 (ranked 22/368)
Bc. Degree
Applied Mathematics , 1997/1998 , Université Toulouse 3 (Paul Sabatier) , with Honors (TB)
Past Positions
Senior researcher (Directrice de Recherche) , Unité MIA-T (Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Toulouse), INRAE Occitanie-Toulouse
[current activity report] (September 2023) - [current assessment of working time and CO2] (December 2023)
Researcher (Chargée de Recherche) , Unité MIA-T (Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Toulouse), INRA of Toulouse
Associate Professor (Maîtresse de Conférences) , in the STID department (Statistics and Computer Science) of the University of Perpignan and member of the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse (2006/2011) and of the SAMM team , Université Paris 1 (2011/2014).
Temporary position (researcher) , Unité MIA-T (Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Toulouse), INRA of Toulouse.
Lecturer (research and teaching activities) at Toulouse School of Economics .
Mathematics Teacher , Mathematics and Computer Science department of the Université Toulouse 2 (Le Mirail) .
Mathematics Teacher in a high school in Toulouse.
Full resume (PDF)
(last update: August 7th, 2023) In French
My mathematics genealogy tree (with the script that made it)
Dark side
You may also want to know my darkest side or visit my page on forgeMIA GitLab and my GitHub page .